
filter is used by all NNA queries and the options available to use on your query will depend on what you choose as your starting set.

  1. accessTime - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some last accessed timestamp. Please note this only applies if your Hadoop cluster has accesstime enabled.
  2. modTime - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by last modified timestamp.
  3. fileSize - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some file size (in bytes). (No replication factor)
  4. diskspaceConsumed - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some disk space size (in bytes). (Includes replication factor)
  5. memoryConsumed - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some memory size (in bytes).
  6. fileReplica - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some replication factor.
  7. blockSize - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some block size (in bytes). (No replication factor)
  8. numBlocks - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some number of blocks in the file. (No replication factor)
  9. numReplicas - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some number of blocks in the file. (Includes replication factor)
  10. dirNumChildren - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of children directly under the directory.
  11. dirSubTreeSize - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of total disk space bytes under the subtree. (Includes replication factor)
  12. dirSubTreeNumFiles - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of children (that are files) under the directory subtree.
  13. dirSubTreeNumDirs - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some number of children (that are directories) under the directory subtree.
  14. storageType - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some BlockStoragePolicyId.
  15. depth - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some integer representing depth in the INode tree.
  16. permission - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some integer representing POSIX permissions.
  17. name - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing the name of the file or directory.
  18. path - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing the full path of the file or directory.
  19. user - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing owner's username of the file or directory.
  20. group - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some String representing owner's group name of the file or directory.
  21. modDate - Functions like modTime but the value can be a calendar date, like: 01/01/1989.
  22. accessDate Functions like accessTime but the value can be a calendar date, like: 01/01/1989.
  23. isUnderConstruction - Usable by files. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the file is under construction.
  24. isWithSnapshot - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the file or directory is part of a Snapshot.
  25. hasAcl - Usable by files and dirs. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the file or directory is has a native HDFS ACL.
  26. hasQuota - Usable by dirs. Filters the working INode set by some condition of whether the directory has either a namespace or disk space quota assigned.